Launch of warehousing and 2010 3PL services in Oman 2017 HISTORY & MILESTONES Launch of service between AcAcquisition oquisition of Qaf Qatar Shippingtar Shipping Qatar and Oman 2019 (and Halul Offshor(and Halul Offshore Service Services es Launch of direct container service 2005 as a ras a result)esult) between Qatar and Kuwait 1978 Enhancement of service between Awarded six Swords of Honor for improved 1992 Qatar and India health & safety, and two Globes of Honor for Equity inEquity invvesestmentment in t in 2011 Launch of the fastest container environmental sustainability by the British QaQatar Gas Ttar Gas Trransport ansport service between Pakistan and Qatar Safety Council (BSC) Opened aOpened a Co-fCo-founded Qaounded Qatar tar CompanCompany Ltd. (Nakilay Ltd. (Nakilat)t) Milaha completed its deployment of Robotic rregional bregional branch anch Shipping with an Shipping with an Launch of regular reefer service Process Automation Solutions equity sharequity share oe of 15%f 15% SStrtraategic trtegic transfansformaormation tion between Qatar and Turkey and launch oand launch of Milaha brf Milaha brandand Launch of feeder service between Milaha expanded its geographic footprint into Sri Lanka and Bangladesh the Black Sea and Mediterranean region 1982 AppoinAppointed operted operaattor oor of Doha f Doha through new container shipping services PPortort Launch of NVOCC tracking app 1974 Milaha invested in newer, fit-for-purpose assets, from vessels to trucks and further Inaugur a ted the firs t optimizing of the asset base fully in tegr a ted ship r Partnered with Microsoft to build a epair and fabrica tion 2015 Launch oLaunch of marine f marine facility in Mesaieed 2000 smart-logistic platform using Artificial trtransport servicansport services in es in Intelligence and Internet of Things elements Doha PDoha Port, cort, consisonsisting ting from Microsoft’s cloud ecosystem oof lighf lighterterage, berthing age, berthing Launch oLaunch of firsf first dirt direct ect and tand toowwageage Co-fCo-founded Halul Offshorounded Halul Offshore e cconontainer servictainer service e ServicServices thres through a 50-50 joinough a 50-50 joint t bebetwtween Qaeen Qatar and Indiatar and India vvenenturture with Qae with Qatar Shippingtar Shipping 2001 Added Majd, our largest container ship to date, 1957 MerMerged land ged land to our already expanding fleet trtransport, cransport, cranage, anage, 2018 Inaugurated and started operations of frfreigheight ft forworwararding, ding, 2016 Milaha Logistics City cuscusttoms clearoms clearancance e and wand wararehousing ehousing Launched our first ever container service inintto Nao Navigavigation tion between Qatar and Iraq FrFreigheight Servict Serviceses Launch oLaunch of Singaporf Singapore oe officffice fe for or Milaha OffshorMilaha Offshoree Awarded the Five Star Occupational Health and Safety rating by the British Safety Council Founded Qatar National Navigation & Transport Company (QNNTC), QQTTerminals begins managing erminals begins managing the first shipping agent in Qatar phase one ophase one of Hamad Pf Hamad Portort Started a major digital transformation 06 initiative such as RPA & Oracle Cloud platform

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